In a recent phone conversation with a friend, we were questioning WHY we go down a spiritual path in the first place. What is the reason that some of us attempt to see beyond the veils in this life? When asked, some people express feeling a deep knowing that something calls them beyond what they are currently experiencing. That even though their lives are showing them ONE thing, they feel something BIGGER. The other side of the mountain. Other people describe their reason to venture back to the heart as a spiritual “itch” or an “unquenchable thirst”. However the feeling comes through, some of life’s big questions tend to follow.
Why are we here? What should I do with my life? What is the purpose of it all? How do I find fulfillment?
The mind keeps us consumed in facts. Negative thought patterns are a free and entertaining way of keeping our ego occupied. The same energy that causes you to turn and see a car accident, or stay an extra few minutes on a news story is the same energy that robs us of our joy. We get caught in only seeing and reinforcing the mess. What spirituality invites us to do is move beyond what is seen into the unseen. To speak from the space of knowingness rather than what is told. There are plenty of extremely knowledgeable people in our world that know what they have been told. But the leaders that ignite, that inspire and that call people into heart-centered action aren’t the ones telling the same stories. They are the ones pulling in the wisdom from the heart.
There is a whole world behind the screen of this one waiting to be realized. There is a goodness and light in every person behind the human suite of their putting behavior. There is Divinity at the root of every beast and there is a beast at the root of every Divine being. Yes, even you. It all comes down to who we call to the table each day. What version we call from others to keep us company. How do we do this?
Joy. Is. The. Answer.
Why does a young child want an ice cream cone? Purely for the joy of it. They don’t need to justify enjoying it by exercising later that night. Joy is our natural state. Children mirror that back to us naturally, daily. They haven’t adapted the unworthy belief systems of not good enough or not smart enough to deserve joy. They are always worthy because they remember our greater purpose when created-to spread Joy. To see Joy. To speak with Joy. To become overwhelmed in Joy. Yes, even to indulge in Joy. To do this, you first have to see that you're worthy of it ALL. In seeing our worthiness we will begin to remind others that they are as well.
Pure spirituality is joy embodied. That doesn’t mean you are happy all the time or never able to find yourself in a bad mood. Joy isn’t an emotion, it is a state of being. It allows all that is to exist. It isn’t in need of company though it invites it and doesn’t care who shows up to life’s party. It maintains its beat even if other instruments are playing off key. It isn’t easily persuaded. It is smart. Clear. Firm. It doesn’t need a reason or a cause. It isn’t distracted by what is the root of its existence or how to get more of it. It is the rose that blooms in front for all to admire and it is also the rose that blooms in back for no one. It is strong when felt within oneself but even stronger when witnessed in another. It is laughter and tears simultaneously. It is beyond form. Beyond what’s seen. It is the AUM.
In this moment feel free to rid yourself of any score keeper gauging your internal worth. When this is released from your energy field it will not only change your relationship to joy in your life, it will also free up others to find theirs.