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The Soul vs The Ego - Who Will Win?

Writer's picture: thehivethehive

And in this corner…

With no mass and no form, but constantly connected to the cosmic and Divine Love is THE SOUL! The Soul values harmony, connection, gratitude, and love above all else. It is eternal and free with the hopes of being awakened in all beings. The only thing that stands in its way from this infinite loving expression is …

It’s nemesis... THE EGO! Weighing in with the weight of the world upon its shoulders, The Ego prides itself on individualism and separation. The Ego doesn’t fight fair and uses weapons such as jealousy, unworthiness, anger, greed, selfishness, fear, anxiety, impatience, hatred, and suspicion.

This Ultimate Match Up between The Soul and The Ego is happening each moment, of everyday, in the playing field of our minds. Which one wins the match? Which one becomes the champion? Who wins the battle? Who wins the war?

When The Soul wins, the mind perceives the world as heaven - a place of spontaneous miracles. When The Ego wins, the mind believes that hell is here on Earth and experiences negativity and suffering.

The Soul scores when we are spontaneously happy and during moments of connection. The loving embrace, the synchronicities, the laughter. Babies and young children are naturally living from the soul. This is what Christ meant when he said “Be like a child.” The Soul allows you to experience the world with wonder and as a place of limitless possibilities where anything that your heart desires comes to you from the souls around you.

The emotional state of gratitude is the love language between all souls and is the key to awaken your soul and win the game that is played within your mind. An awakened soul helps all, even without their mind knowing, beyond their awareness.

As The Soul thrives on connectedness and understands that spirituality is collective, The Ego is driven by individual power and a sense of scarcity. Souls work from the bottom up, egos from the top down.

As a human being, this game is never ending. Sometimes The Soul is ahead but then The Ego intercepts and takes the lead. Moments of love and bliss can quickly be stolen by The Ego’s pride. The Soul will experience the beauty of the smallest of miracles, but then The Ego will convince the mind that the miracle never happened.

If what traditions of the East call enlightenment is the result of the mind fully connected to the awakened soul, then we must strive hard to maintain that state. The Ego is always looking for the opportunity to take the lead.

Saints are human beings who lived lives guided by their awakened souls. Miracles spontaneously happened around them, guided by Divine Love. The world needs more Saints. And any person, at any time, can be a saint to you, even ever so briefly, to create a miracle in your life, just as you can be the source of miracles in others' lives.

This is what the world needs now.

Here are 5 easy ways to help The Soul beat The Ego:

  1. Serve others. Give and share. Help where you are needed.

  2. Become a gratitude addict. Be grateful for the blessings in your life and serve and help others so that all are connected in a web of gratitude.

  3. Speak kindly, always. Never gossip.

  4. Surrender. It is not always useful to be right or to win.

  5. Smile! Send love to others you encounter. Perform loving actions.

Song of the Week: Awake My Soul - Mumford & Sons

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