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A Very Special Thank You

​​Because of your generosity, Madhukara was able to serve others in many ways in 2021:

  • We provided 144 hot meals to the Faith Mission in Lancaster, OH.

  • We donated hundreds of grab and go food items and beverage to the Faith Mission.

  • We purchased a washing machine for a home bound individual who could not do her own laundry.

  • We purchased a ramp for a person who recently lost her leg to disease so she could enter/exit her home.

  • We provided a $650 gift card to an individual to help her support family who lost parents to COVID19.

  • We provided a Holiday Luncheon to honor teachers at a school that is challenged by poverty and COVID19 at Saint Vincent's in Elkhart, IN.

  • We provided individual gifts to 198 students at Saint Vincent's.

  • We were able to provide the 27 teachers and staff at Saint Vincent's individual gifts of $100.

  • We provided Saint Vincent's with a $500 gift to use to purchase supplies and much needed items.

  • We distributed OTC medications and toiletry items to WIC, Saint Margaret's House in South Bend, IN.

We value your continued support. Please consider donating to our GENERAL FUND to help others in need. You can also support us through AmazonSmile. When you shop at, Amazon will donate .5% to Madhukara. Set up your AmazonSmile account for Madhukara by visiting ​If you know of someone in need and/or you have an idea of how Madhukara can serve our communities, please send us a message. Thank ​you!

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